Note: This tiny intro is an excerpt from the full documentation at Go read the full documentation there!


You can render collections of R Markdown documents as a website using the rmarkdown::render_site function. These features are available only in the most recent version of the rmarkdown package (v0.9.6).

The RStudio IDE also includes integrated support for developing R Markdown websites. These features are available in the current Preview Release.

Simple Example

Here’s a simple example, a website that includes two pages (Home and About) and a navigation bar to switch between them:


name: "my-website"
  title: "My Website"
    - text: "Home"
      href: index.html
    - text: "About"
      href: about.html


title: "My Website"

Hello, Website!


title: "About This Website"

More about this website.

All you need for a minimal website is an index.Rmd and a _site.yml file. If you execute rmarkdown::render_site() or hit the “Build website” button in RStudio, the following happen:

  1. All of the Rmd and md files in the root website directory will be rendered into HTML. Note however that markdown files beginning with “_" are not rendered (this is a convention to designate files that are included by top level documents).
  2. The generated HTML files and any supporting files (e.g. CSS and JavaScript) are copied into an output directory (_site by default).
  3. The HTML files within the _site directory are now ready to deploy as a standalone static website.

Deploying to gh-pages

The master branch of this repo tracks all source files and rendered output. The rendered _site/ directory is not tracked on master, and is deployed to the gh-pages branch using ghp-import. Commit all changes and push the repo to the master branch then run ghp-import on the _site/ directory (run ghp-import -h to get some help).

ghp-import -p -n -m "$(date)" _site

More info

See the full documentation for authoring RMarkdown Websites at

The source code for this repo is at

The Bioconnector workshop’s course content is made entirely using this framework. This includes a more complicated and customized nav bar and many more pages.